After care

Once your growing place has been prepared and planted we can offer an ongoing advisory service. This ensures you maintain the momentum from our workshops and your growing place flourishes. The first year is often the most crucial, particularly for neo- gardeners.

We can customise your seasonal support plan to match your training and growing needs.

Ongoing care

We’re with you for the long haul and we want your growing place to flourish. If you would like to continue our advisory service after the first year we’d love to stay on board.

Our advisory service includes:

  •  Seasonal planning advice –we can help you plan ahead for each new season, what to prepare and what needs to be planted.
  •  Troubleshooting – we can diagnose your growing pains quickly and easily.
  •  Refresher courses - for new staff, colleagues or pupils.
  •  Email, telephone or ‘in-the-field’ assistance.